As we all know at the moment there are many fake iPhone clones and replica in the market.
Our Chinese techies can't just stop playing with new devices and producing a lookalike device of them.
For example, the iPhone 6sthat was produced sometime ago has already gotten a clone that looks exactly like the original.
If you are not careful, you may mistake the fake one to and original iPhone. Meanwhile, it's not even only on iOS devices but BlackBerry devices like BB10 and the prive have also gotten a share of the clone technology from China.

The correct answer will be updated here after I have seen your own view.
Our Chinese techies can't just stop playing with new devices and producing a lookalike device of them.
For example, the iPhone 6sthat was produced sometime ago has already gotten a clone that looks exactly like the original.
If you are not careful, you may mistake the fake one to and original iPhone. Meanwhile, it's not even only on iOS devices but BlackBerry devices like BB10 and the prive have also gotten a share of the clone technology from China.

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