Facebook Pages Got A Facelift And It Looks Good On Mobile

Facebook Pages are important for the Facebook ecosystem since it is the melting pot at which businesses and celebrities meet their customers/fans. It is quite important that Facebook makes sure that this relationships are fostered even better and one of the ways is by making design changes and that is what they have been doing to Pages.

Last week, we reported that Facebook was testing a new layout for Pages and that was specifically for desktop. It looked really nice although there was no information as when it would be rolled out to the mobile. The company finally rolled it out on the mobile app during the weekend.

The changes in the mobile version are just like what we saw on the desktop version. For starters in this case, the Tutowap branding has been removed from header and placed at the bottom of it and to the left.

Another very conspicuous change is the menu carousel at the bottom which includes the following options: Home, Reviews, About, Posts, Photos, Videos and Events. They allow the administrator and the people who have liked the Page to quickly navigate within the page. Home takes you to the home page, reviews shows you the user reviews out of 5 stars, About gives you the details about the page, Posts/videos/photos show you the content the Page has posted and Events shows you the events from the page.

This new user interface is way better than the previous one in my opinion and would likely to increase the engagement in these pages. It is interesting to note that the desktop version has not been updated with the new interface in this region so far so most likely it will be updated next soon.

Nwogu Chimex

Nwogu Chimex

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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