Etisalat Free Browsing Cheat using QueenCee v8 VPN

I know some pals will be itching to browse for free using the fastest browsing network in Nigeria 'Etisalat' So am happy to introduce to you this latest free browsing using Queencee Vpn V8. Butsadly it not good as on cant bypassthe 60MB data limit. We are working on other proxy's for you guys. So for the mean time just use this.

Simply Use the Etisalat default APN for your phone setting i.e APN should be etisalat and both username and password, leave them empty

Proxy Server Type: Real Host
Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Server Type: Inject
Real Proxy Server:
Port: 8080
Tap on Save button.

» Immediately you click save, a pop up message will appear requesting to use Tunnel whole device, just tap on the option to Tunnel Whole Device.

In Region, select United States or Netherlands or Best Performance.

Now tap on the Start button, wait for few seconds for it to Connect. Then, after its connected, start browsing.

You will have to wait, chill  before it will connect.

That's all.

Nwogu Chimex 678134-sign-check-128

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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