2 Steps On How To Stop Data Consumption On Win 8 & 10

I know most of you guys will say that Win10 is not good when it comes to INTERNET browsing, because of its Auto updates and other things that will consume your data.
If you are one of them, don’t cry anymore because I have found a solution to it. Just follow the steps below and you will never regret of using Win10. Or if you are still using other Windows apart from Win10, after reading this post you will love to upgrade your Windows to Win10.

How To Stop The Data Consumptions
At the bottom of your PC, right click. As shown in the picture below.
Then click on task bar, at the right top of the screen, you will see Services click on. When it opens you scroll down to the bottom, you will see Open Services.

Then you click on it, you will see the list of all services both running and non-running services.
At this point, you will have to find to things, which are.

  •         Background Intelligent Transfer
  •         Windows Update

11) BACKGROUND INTELLIGENT TRANSFER:  Now, first click on Background Intelligent Transfer, then check at the left top of your screen and click on “Stop”.  Then click again on the Background Intelligent Transfer and click on Disable.

22)  WINDOWS UPDATES: After you must have stopped the first one, you will need to stop this one too because they are always on auto mode, which means it will automatically update itself anytime there’s a new update. And you know what that means? Your data will just be wasting anyhow.

Scroll down to Windows Update, click on it you will see 3 options there (Manual, Auto, Disable). Click on disable, and it will stop consuming your data.


Congratulations, you can now enjoy your Windows 10. If you’re having any issue turning them OFF, comment below.

Nwogu Chimex 678134-sign-check-128

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.



  1. blank
    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      You're welcome bro...

      hope you are enjoying your windows 10?

    2. blogger_logo_round_35

      You're welcome bro...

      hope you are enjoying your windows 10?


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