How To Deactivate / Stop GTBank Account SMS Alert Notification Service

Sometime back, while strolling through my social media news-feed, I figured a couple of people were complaining about the amount GTBank charges for SMS notifications.
There in, i also figured quite a handful of persons were interested in knowing how to deactivate or stop their GTBank account SMS notification. Hence, the reason for this post.
When it comes to banking, notifications are very important. SMS alert is possibly the quickest way to notify customers of transactions being made on their account(s).
Other than SMS alert, there is email Alert. By default, your bank gives you the option to either receive SMS alerts or email alerts. You could also opt in for both forms of notification if need be.
Personally, I opt in for both SMS and email Alert. The reason for this is, sometimes, GSM operators can be funny. The bank’s server can be messy at times too. When there is a network surge, chances are, customers most likely won’t be notified of a transaction on their account via SMS. At least, not immediately. Hence, the need for email alerts.
The SMS alerts however, comes with a Price – bank charges. GTBank for example, charges N10 for each SMS. If you ask me, that’s quite high. I mean, literally all the major GSM operators in Nigeria charge N4 per SMS. Email alerts on the other hand, is free.
Lately, i often tend to buy recharge Cards using my GTBank account. The hustle is less stressful compared to having to walk down to an outlet, possibly scratch the card and all that. With GTBank’s 737 service or internet banking, I just need to dial a few codes or use the internet banking and viola, my GSM network line is credited. This however, comes with a Price tag. Literally N10 as SMS alert charge on each recharge.
Now, imagine you recharge using the GTBank internet or 737 service up to 30 times in a month. That will amount to N300. It’s small, right? Well, if you take out N1 from N1000, it isn’t N1000 anymore. Yeah?
Anyway, I believe you get the drift. Enough of the long talks already. Let’s get on to how we can possibly deactivate the SMS alert system on our account(s).

Deactivating GTBank Account SMS Alert Service

There are basically three ways this can be achieved;

  1. Filling the GTBank Transaction Alert Service form online and sending to their customer care service via email
  2. Walking into any GTBank office outlet and discussing this with a customer representative
  3. Via the internet banking platform.
For the sake of this tutorial, we’d be making use of the third option – via GTBank internet banking platform.

Deactivate GTBank Account Text Message (SMS) Alert Via Internet Banking

By now, I’d assume you use GTbank internet banking platform. And you very much remember your security question and answer. If yes, let’s proceed.
Log into your GTBank internet banking platform (Link to GTbank’s internet banking service platform).
Input your credentials and choose to log in.
After successfully logged in, click on the Transaction Alert Activation service option under self service.
Choose the account to be profiled. If you have multiple accounts, you can tick the profile all my accounts option.

Under select Alert type, you should choose email.
Enter the answer to your secret question and click on submit. You are done!
That’s it. Simple yeah? If you rather prefer having GTBank’s SMS Alert activated rather than email, choose that in the option.

Nwogu Chimex 678134-sign-check-128

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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