Airtel Set to Launch Unlimited Data Plans

The video was made to inform us that Airtel unlimited data plans are on the way. The video is already trending on their Facebook and Twitter page, but i will provide the YouTube video below.

If you are very conversant with social media most especially twitter, you’ll notice that Airtel NG have one of the best video advert so far and now again, they’ve given another astonishing video advert, telling you that Airtel unlimited data is coming soon. Alot of people including me is waiting patiently for this unlimited plan.

When Should We Anticipate This Unlimited Plans from Airtel?

Currently, i have no clue on when the unlimited data would be launched, as Airtel left us all in anticipation.

We all know that Airtel is one of the telcos with good network coverage in almost all locations. Releasing this unlimited plan will get them more subscribers and sales. I'm sure, we won't worry about Airtel zapping the data, if truly it is unlimited.

Watch the 1minute video advert below

Lets just hope their prices won't be the type that will make some people to rob bank....😃😃

Nwogu Chimex 678134-sign-check-128

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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