5 Things Your Next Android Phone Needs To Have

Buying Android phones these days aren't difficult, who'd ever thought android would have version 8 and the rest, remembere the Android 2.0 and many other version before it went up to kit-kat and up to marshmallow then lollipop.
So if probably you still using one of those androids with lesser version and wants to upgrade then here are few things your next android needs to have.

At Least 3GB-4GB of RAM
Well I would suggest you get a phone of at least 3GB or at most 4GB RAM, presently I use a phone of 2GB RAM and I can tell you how slow it is for me, doing all my minimizing and stuff like that, so if you are someone that loves minimizing app like me you'd better get a phone of 3GB - 4GB RAM

Long Lasting Battery Life
Gone were the days on carrying power banks around,when mobile phone were still using 2,800mah and the rest nowadays you'd see phones of 3,000mah, 4,000mah and even more so lovely readers if you want to save yourself from carrying power banks around go get a phone with 4,000mah and above.

A High-Quality Camera
I don't fancy taking pictures but to those that do you'd understand what I mean by high quality camera, no one wants a blurred image or a low quality image not especially when it would be uploaded to social media, so when buying your next android go for 16mp and even more.

Massive Storage Space
Well I use a phone of 16GB internal memory someone would say its enough but hell not it ain't enough am a fan of movies and I download movies a lot, so if you love downloading large files I'd suggest that your next android should have a memory space of 16GB and above.

Good Connectivity
I once used a phone whereby its 2G and 3G were automatic that's it can't be changed it switches to 2G when the network is bad and back to 3G when the network is good that was frustrating really frustrating but latest innovations are out you have 4G and 5G so when buying your next android go for one with 4G or 5G for good connectivity.

Technology has greatly improved so with the few points above getting a good smartphone won't be a heck of a problem to you.

Nwogu Chimex 678134-sign-check-128

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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