How to Find Update History in Windows 10


In Windows 10, you have very little control over updates. In fact, updates are automatically installed. If you wish, you can postpone the changes (if you use the Pro version) and set the active hours and restart the custom time to make it easier to install the update. Each time an update is installed, you will receive a simple notification in the Action Center informing you that updates have been installed.

Since Windows downloads and installs updates permanently, you may be curious about what updates have been installed on your system or what changes are causing problems. In these situations, it is best to check the Windows update history. This helps you better understand what updates have been installed correctly or have not been able to install. This article will show you how to display Windows updates in Windows 10 history.

As I said before, seeing the change history in Windows 10 is quite simple. To get started, click the notification icon in the lower right corner.


The previous action will open the Windows Activity Center 10. Then click the "All Parameters" button to open the Settings application. You can also use the "Win + I" key combination.


After opening the Settings application, go to "Update and Security."


In the Security Update and Window, go to "Windows Update" in the left pane. Now click on the "Place the Historical Day" option in the right pane under the "Update Status" section.


Once the link is clicked, Windows will show you all installed updates. The nice thing about this feature is that it will show clearly when updates have been installed with all attempts to update the installation has failed.


In the case of failed update installations, Windows will attempt to reinstall without having to download the update again. However, if the downloaded update has been corrupted, you can re-download the entire update.

Each update will have its own KB number (KnowledgeBase). To obtain information about an error or update installed, simply click on the "installation" that appears just below the update.

This action will show you general information that is not particularly useful most of the time.


However, by clicking on the "More", you can see all the things that there is an update directly from the Microsoft Knowledge Base site.


If you want to uninstall a particular update, click the "Uninstall updates" link at the top of the window.


The action on top of the usual control panel. Then select the update to uninstall and click on the "Delete" button that appears in the navigation bar. This action will delete the selected update.


Note that when you uninstall an update in Windows 10, over time the update is downloaded and installed. Therefore, to temporarily stop the installation of the update, use the Show or hide updates tool or simply postpone the updates (Pro version only).

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Nwogu Chimex 678134-sign-check-128

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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