Taking a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Into An Airplane Will Make You a Federal Criminal


It’s no longer news that the sales of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been banned And Samsung has officially abandoned it’s 2016 flagship device due to it’s inability to figure out why Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is a time Bomb.
Following this, The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has officially banned the passengers from taking it to an airplane, Let alone using it.
There is a penalty attached along with the ban. If anyone is caught taking a Galaxy Note 7 into a plane,They’ll have to shell out a fine of $179,933 which is very much mandatory.
Samsung may have abandoned it’s Note 7 but for some reasons, Not every one will stop using it. Now, Using the Note 7 is now at users own risk.
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Nwogu Chimex

Nwogu Chimex

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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