5 Apps You Need To Uninstall From Your Smartphone

As you may know, not all apps on Google Play are equally useful. Trial and error can lead to downloading useless and annoying mobile applications. Or even worse—some apps will drain your battery and wreak havoc with your device.

Usually, Samsung only allows disabling, not completely uninstalling these apps. If you root your phone, you get further access to these files but you have to be very careful not to delete any important information.
For instance, let’s take a user who has recently deleted the stock messaging app off a rooted phone thinking that since he doesn’t use it often, it wouldn’t matter. The problem is the app does contain essential files for messaging in general, so with that app gone, your phone will no longer be able to send or receive texts, even when using a third party app. The reason for that is because the core system files are gone.


1. All apps that claim to save RAM

These memory boosters have a lot to do with background apps which have to restart every time you close them. This, in turn, makes your phone unstable. Plus, Android's RAM Management and Cache management system are rock solid.

2. Clean Master and other apps that claim to clean up your phone

You don’t really need these. Try to avoid them as they often only take up space. You can boost your smartphone’s performance manually from the Settings menu.

3. Anti-virus Apps

These apps may have once been useful but the Android has progressed far enough that they are now unnecessary, even harmful. Google Play and Android can do everything that antivirus apps can. Just do not install applications from unknown sources. Such apps will only consume additional resources from your smartphone.

4. Applications Saving Battery Life

If an app promises it will optimize energy consumption and maximize your phone’s performance, don’t download it. It is definitely unable to cope with that. The way to increase battery life is by reducing energy demand from the operating system and all running services and apps.

5. Pre-installed Applications

If possible, remove the useless bloatware which has been pre-installed by manufacturers. It runs in the background, consuming system resources.
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Nwogu Chimex 678134-sign-check-128

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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