How to Permanently Delete Unwanted Apps on iOS

Most people finds it difficult to delete apps from there apple gadgets, today am gonna teach you how to permanently delete unwanted apps on your appl iOS. 


It’s rather simple – long-press on the app’s icon until it starts jiggling around and a little cross appears at the corner. Tap the cross, confirm the deletion, and the app goes bye-bye. Press the Home button to restore the icon to its normal, non-jiggly functionality. This will work as long as these apps have been downloaded or purchased from the App Store. It won’t work with pre-installed software (e.g. Calendar).

And one more thing you might want to think about – some vendors won't let you uninstall Facebook or other social networks off your device. This can be a bad thing because in most cases these apps are a total waste of your time. You’re setting aside productive activities in favor of just sitting there, staring at the screen. Scientists have found that spending too much time on our smartphones decreases our output to the World around us. After all, in many cases, the mobile site is enough.

Nwogu Chimex 678134-sign-check-128

I am A Passionate Gentle Blogger, Programmer, Writter and Web Developer.


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